Together, we can do better.

A better life for Floridians.
A better democracy for our country.

Join us in making a difference!

Your support of our campaign can change the United States Senate and help preserve our democracy. By working together, we can champion change and create a better America!

An Independent approach to Florida.

American democracy has been holding firm against the extremism and obstruction in the halls of Congress, and it will weather the storm if motivated people step forward and demand change. Democracy is a powerful tool when used properly, and I am confident that our best days are yet to come. Itโ€™s time to bring the sunshine back to Florida โ€“ we can do better for all Floridians if we get our elected leadersโ€™ heads out of the sand.

Ben on the issues:

  • This is job one for me. Nothing good happens for Florida families or America without good jobs and a fair dayโ€™s pay. Learn about my ideas on the following solutions:
    โ€ข Preserve the middle class. View
    โ€ข Reinvigorate Floridaโ€™s film industry. View
    โ€ข Advance space exploration. View
    โ€ข Support Floridaโ€™s rural communities. View

  • American healthcare costs are out of control. You know changes are needed when you have a vastly different cost structures between rural and urban communities and domestic versus international markets, as with prescription drugs. To help broaden funding for healthcare systems and thus lower costs to consumers, I am proposing the following:
    โ€ข Medical innovation zone for area hospitals. View
    โ€ข Healthcare policy reform. View

  • I support President Bidenโ€™s proposed $10,000 tax credit for helping first-time home buyers and those selling their homes, and I would call on former President Trump to join us. Here are a couple of ways that we can help solve the issue:
    โ€ข Ensure the American dream View
    โ€ข Lower the cost of home insurance in Florida View

  • I will strongly oppose any proposed cuts in Social Security and Medicare benefits. You earned the right to these benefits and to retire with dignity and security from a life of hard work. I will fight for Medicaid to be enhanced to help low-income seniors afford assisted living and full-time care when needed. I will not support any efforts to privatize Social Security or turn Medicare into a voucher system. Find out more

  • It is imperative we ensure that women have the right to make their own reproductive health care decisions without interference from the government, whether it be federal or state. I will fight to restore and preserve Roe v. Wade so those protections are enshrined in federal statute. And while we are at it, women should receive equal pay for equal work.

  • America is a nation founded and built by immigrants, but our borders are insecure, and the path to citizenship is muddied. Rational reform of our broken immigration system is decades overdue. I have a proposal for how we might reform immigration comprehensively and fairly. View

No heads in the sand here.

Welcome to our campaign launch video, โ€œSand & Sunshine.โ€ There are better options for Florida and Washington.

โ€œMy vision for this campaign is to give Floridians something to vote for and to truly work together to overcome our most pressing challenges, not just spout the empty rhetoric of failing political parties.โ€

โ€” Ben Everidge, announcing his Senate campaign on April 26

The Influence of Gen Z and Millennials

Ballotpedia: Candidate Questionnaire

How to Lower Florida Insurance Rates

Be a founding campaign donor.

The maximum allowable contribution by individuals to the campaign is $3,300 per person per election (52 U.S.C. ยง 30116(a)(1)(A)). Contributions to Ben Everidge for Florida are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Why purple?

We are purple because Republican states are known as red states and Democrat states are known as blue states. We are purple because red mixing with blue makes for Independent purple!

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