Advance Space Exploration

We are at a critical crossroads in where our program might go in the immediate years ahead. A United States senator has a powerful opportunity to convince Congress and the private sector to do more for space exploration, which experience measurably demonstrates that it is a very worthy investment with great returns financially, commercially, and through high-paying job generation.

I have been a space exploration enthusiast my entire life, even growing up near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

As a young congressional aide to then-Congressman, now-NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, and U.S. Senator and Budget Committee Chair Lawton Chiles of Florida, I had the pleasure of working more closely with folks in and around the space industry from all walks of life. As a United States Senate candidate for the very seat these two lawmakers once held, I am firmly committed to the success of the U.S. space program – both public and commercial.

Here are some key actions I plan to take to make our success with space exploration more likely:

  • Increased Funding for NASA and Other Agencies: By increasing the federal budget for NASA and other relevant agencies, we can provide the necessary resources for research, development, and exploration missions that can take us back to the moon and beyond to Mars, both programs I strongly endorse. Grants and subsidies offered to commercial and educational space companies and organizations can help foster innovation and development within the private sector, which we have already seen through Blue Horizon, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic, among others, and have benefited Americans.

  • Stronger Legislative Support:  We need to continue developing a more straightforward and more supportive regulatory framework through our legislative bodies that will encourage more robust private sector space exploration participation while ensuring safety and compliance with international treaties – both current and future.

  • Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships: Similar to those I advocate (see details here), these partnerships will foster collaboration by encouraging and facilitating partnerships between NASA and commercial space companies to better leverage private sector efficiencies and innovations. Technology transfers that promote technology transfer from NASA to the private sector to boost commercial space capabilities must always be a priority.

  • Tax Incentives and Research & Development Credits: Providing tax credits for research and development to incentivize innovation within the space industry is critical, along with well-structured investment incentives such as offering tax breaks for space-related projects to attract private and philanthropic capital.  See my legislative proposal for the American Transformational Innovation Trust (AT IT), which can support this goal.

  • Workforce Development and STEM Education: Investing in STEM education programs to build a skilled workforce capable of supporting the space industry and other pioneering training programs to equip workers with the skills needed for space-related jobs.  This program would collaborate with participating public and private universities and colleges, trade schools, and interested high schools.

  • Infrastructure Development Like More Impactful Launch Facilities: Investing in developing and maintaining launch facilities and other critical infrastructure necessary to promote the level and frequency of space missions needed to move the program ahead rapidly and rationally. More spaceport infrastructure that supports the creation and expansion of commercial spaceports and incubators to enhance launch capabilities is required.

  • Strategically Sound International Collaboration and Partnerships: Encouraging international partnerships and collaboration to share resources, knowledge, and technology can be obtained through treaties and ventures, allowing for the peaceful and cooperative use of space.

  • A Well-Defined Long-Term Vision and Strategy for American Space Exploration:  Developing and supporting a long-term vision and strategic plan for space exploration and commercialization that is well-considered and publicly supported will ensure that our space exploration efforts are sustainable and consider long-term environmental and other impacts it might generate.

With proper leadership from Congress and the right United States senator urging progress from behind the scenes, we can help ensure that the United States will remain a leader in space exploration and commercialization, fostering innovation and economic growth that benefits all Americans.